General English One Word Substitution for Group 2, 3 and Police Constable and for all competitive Exams.
You have to find out the one word substitution for given sentence.
You have 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
- 20 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
- 30 Seconds for each Question.
- You must answer within mentioned Time otherwise the Question will be disabled.
#1. A person who does not believe in any religion?
#2. Anything written in a letter after it is signed?
#3. A process involving too much official formality?
#4. A man who operates on sick people?
#5. A woman having several husbands at the same time?
#6. A person who hates women?
#7. A large-scale departure of people from a territory?
#8. A book containing summarized information on all branches of knowledge?
#9. A hater of learning and knowledge?
#10. A government by the nobles?
#11. A person who looks at the dark side of everything?
#12. Animals that can live on both land and water?
#13. A disease that spreads by means of germs carried in atmosphere?
#14. Animals who eat flesh of another animal?
#15. A sleeping room for many persons?
#16. A person who has no money to pay off his debts?
#17. A man of lax moral?
#18. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance?
#19. A government run by a dictator?
#20. A post without remuneration?
Ohh! Try Again Buddy
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